Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts

Join me further down my Disney memory lane, because looking back helps us plan ahead...

As a sophomore at the University of Nebraska, I moved to Orlando for an internship on the Walt Disney World College Program. 

 I worked in Magic Kingdom Operations at the Haunted Mansion, walking at least 7 miles a day on the conveyor belts, in heels. I lived in a double-wide trailer with seven girls at Snow White Village, a mobile home park- then the program’s housing.  300 of us shared 3 payphones.  Messages were handwritten notes posted on the Complex’s office door.  And it was the best time!  Truth.  Why?  Spontaneity and close quarters led to deep, close friendships. We worked hard, we actively spent time together, enjoying each other’s company.  I could have let fear of the unknown or self-doubt keep me from pursuing this opportunity but I'm glad I didn't.

Instead “Hurry back, hurry back...” (another Haunted Mansion quote), beckoned...

 So here is my encouragement. Take the trip, try something different.  Get away from your literal or figurative comfort zone.  Who knows what might be waiting?  

So “kindly step all the way in please and make room for everyone. There is no turning back now!”

 I have been thinking about the value of college internships. Not just mine, but in general. Gaining real work experience at this transitional life stage is a safe way to offer students a realistic job preview while they figure out who they are and what they want to do. With the changing nature of work and education, how might the “intern” and “extern” constructs expand past this life/career stage?  

 So many possibilities…. There are many empty nester moms with valuable experience looking to re-enter the workforce. And there are plenty of career women who would love to begin to explore interests beyond her career.  

What if there were no lurking fears?

 #future #internship #externship #MyAspirement