A 2023 Holiday Reflection and 2024 New Year Invitation

Like many of you, my teens were home from school during the last two weeks. It was the first holiday break without my corporate job on my mind. But there were other things occupying my thoughts and actions.

One being My Aspirement (MYA) and my hopes and plans for it.  Another being the usual prep for and the actual holidays themselves.  Along with the not-so-usual home remodel underway, leaving us without a fully operational kitchen and construction walls literally closing in on us, inside the house.

My high hopes for content development progress for MYA became high anxiety due to expected and unexpected change of plans.  Until I realized, I wasn’t practicing what I preach.  As I adjusted my mindset, reflecting on what I value and what I love, it became clear where I should be focused.  It calmed me. It came down to one word: presence.  

I had already been quietly wrestling with the difference in Christmas presents.  Reflecting on the boys’ younger years.  When Santa brought a slew of unexpected gifts, and Christmas morning was anticipated because of those surprises.  Now replaced with specific expected presents with heftier price tags.  Christmas morning was still special but with less child-like wonder and delight. And Christmas was still treasured time with family and friends.

Opening presents on Christmas morning

I also had the gift of unexpected presence this holiday season, as William and I made an impromptu visit to Pensacola to visit my dad.  Simply being with him, slowing to his pace and knowing that our presence meant so much to him, filled my heart. Priceless memories were made in the little moments… over a deck of cards, a meal, a visit to the cemetery to be with Mom.  I felt her presence there.  And in a social media post that paid homage to moms for all they do at the holidays.  It said, “As I have grown up, I realize that all the Christmas magic I felt as a kid, was really a mom who loved me so damn much.”  Yes, a big shout out to all the cookie baking, lasagna making, credit card wielding, up all night wrapping wonder women.  

Speaking of, we believe wonder women deserve a fun evening out.  Join My Aspirement (MYA) Friday, January 12th for a special in-person local event- Ignite Your Aspirations!

The House On Lang, A local boutique nestled in downtown Orlando

Sip, snack and sample MYA! We’ll have beverages, lite bites, and hands-on experiences to identify and ignite your aspirations.  Open house style from 5:00-7:30 p.m. at The House on Lang (1308 Lang Avenue, Orlando). Come meet others and befriend your future self. Leave with inspiration, insights, and actions for your 2024 and beyond. 

Ignite Your Aspirement Details and Registration Info Here. Feel Feel free to share it with your friends.

Back to those walls inside my house.  Similarly, I feel God’s presence working inside my heart, preparing to making way for more space and light.  Including through My Aspirement, in His time. Stay with us on our journey.